Students Corner

10 Amazingly Simple Science Experiments You Can Do At Home Over The Holidays

It’s the holidays and what better way to spend it than to conduct science experiments; experiments that leave your hands all gooey and icky. Or how about experiments that seem like magic when you perform them in front of your friends? Here are our top 10 favourite experiments you can conduct at home. (With all safety […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

Beat Procrastination With These 15 Great Tips [Infographic]

In Secondary 3, I came across a friend of mine, Joel who would stay back after school immediately to finish all his homework every day. Joel would not leave until all his homework was done. For some reason, I decided to accompany Joel in class. It dawned on me that this was exactly what I needed too. From then […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

6 Youtube Channels That Will Make Your Kids Better At Science

Fancy having a world class tutor teach you? Now you can, for free! The world’s best teachers have taken to Youtube to share their areas of expertise and knowledge. Answers to questions like, “Why is the sky blue and the sun yellow?” or “How do our brains work?” are now just a few buttons away.  Many […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

Words That Students Commonly Get Mixed Up [Infographic]

During everyday reading, we stumble upon oxymorons, allusions, paradoxes and ironies. Everyday we are exposed to homonyms, homographs and homophones. When it comes to the English language, you occasionally come across patterns that hardly make sense. For example, inflammable means flammable and inhabitable means habitable yet inconsistent means not consistent. It is perfectly normal to second […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

This Should Be The Very First Step To Improving Your Results

Picture this – Trudging through endless english vocabulary, grammar exercises and spending hours on assessment books but to no avail. Results day arrives – the grades have not budged since the previous exam. Disappointment ensues. Progress starts to seem elusive and intangible; a never-ending quest. As it turns out, what you might need was a little tweaking […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

8 Tips For Improving Your Vocabulary

There are several factors that are stumbling blocks to a child’s mastery of the English language – Grammar, Sentence Structuring, Composition conceptualisation, Oral, Vocabulary, and many more. Our post today will discuss the downfalls of having a poor grasp of vocabulary and how that can be overcome with some personal effort. Without a good vocabulary […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

7 Ways You Can Finally Achieve Those New Year Resolutions This Year

It’s 2015! And what is a new year without new year resolutions? We all know what they are. The drawback of new year resolutions? It is that year in, year out, we make ourselves feel good by listing down ambitious goals, albeit overly ambitious at times. After a month or two, our initial resolve and determination wears off […]

By hanlincentre | Uncategorized

READ THEORY for All ages. Completely free

Test your skills. Take the pretest! Click here to start! Answer 10 questions to obtain your starting level. Then begin earning points, titles, and other accolades. Good luck! If your teacher has already created your account for you, you’ll need to log in .


Guide to a better Science At ProLearn in Hanlin Centre | 10 Beautiful Science Tricks Using Water

Science is wonderful! Not much more needs to be said about surprisingly simple experiments with water that showcase several characteristics of water.


Guide to a better English At ProLean in Hanlin Centre | Words to Add to Your Vocabulary & Composition

Creative writing for composition can be one of the most exciting exercises for students. Stories are told. Anecdotes are recalled and shared. Imagination runs wild. However, a student’s ability to tell a story is limited by how vast his vocabulary is. A student who has a wider range of adjectives to choose from is able to paint a clearer and more descriptive scene compared to one who does not have as rich a vocabulary.

Today we shall learn about Fear. Enjoy.


Hanlin Centre

Our mission is to nurture and inspire our students towards their personal academic goals by providing an environment that is conducive for learning, a creative space for original expression and instilling a constant desire to excel.


Hanlin Centre
(ProLearn Bukit Panjang)
Address: 1 Woodlands Road, #02-05, Junction 10, Singapore 677899
Telephone: 6767 6211 or 6767 0420

(ProLearn Kovan)
Address: Blk 203 Hougang Street 21, #03-71, Singapore 530203
Telephone: 6280 7660
Hp: 9088 4695

Operating Hours

ProLearn Bukit Panjang
Monday to Friday: 10.30am to 9.30pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am to 9pm

ProLearn Kovan
Monday to Friday: 10.30am to 9.30pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am to 9pm

Getting here

ProLearn Bukit Panjang
By Train: Bukit Panjang Mrt
By Bus (along Woodlands Road): 160, 170, 178, 960, 961, 961C
Free Shuttle Bus: Click here for bus schedule

ProLearn Kovan
By Train: Kovan MRT
By Bus: 80,81,82,101,107,112,113,115,119,136,153