New intake @ Junction 10
Time: Wednesday 7:45~9:05pm
Age: K2~P2 level
Pre-requirement: Able to write numbers 1 ~100
Durations: 10 lesson x 1 hour 20 mins
Class size: 8~10
Fees: $300 + $20 reg

Kinder Finger Arithmetic Module 1,2 & 3
Day & time for class: currently no new intake
Age: K1~K2
Pre-requirement: Able to write numbers 1 ~50
Durations: 10 lesson x 1 hour
Fees per module: $300
Registration : $20 (apply to new student only)
Class size: 8

Trial class: $30 (1 hour)
Customised programmes (for school, seniors group, private organization, small group) are also available upon request.

The objective of this course is to equip children with the necessary skill and knowledge to excel in Fingers Mental Arithmetic and Abacus in their early years. With this exposure, students are able to do quick mental calculation feats as well as to utilize the abacus as an effective calculating tool.

Classes with Ms Phyilly Wong & Ms Amanda

During the classes, children go through lightning-fast number quizzes. Raised hands, enthusiastic answers, and even laughter are a common sight. The element of fun and play are injected into the programme, so numbers need not be boring or frightening! Here, every child has the opportunity to participate, which is essential in the learning process. We have successfully trained teachers from both local and overseas schools on the abacus know-how. Our programme is also gaining popularity in the pre scholars segment as parents recognize the importance of starting young for their kids. We have also successfully brought our services to several primary schools. We have been entrusted to run the abacus lessons as part of their enrichment programme for the pupils.Outline info for some modules

Soroban Fingers Arithmetic
(a) Introduction of 34 set of abacus formulae
(b) Fingers arithmetic’s skill
(c) Listening calculation
(d) Addition & subtraction e.g.: 3+6+9+7=

Abacus Level 1
(a) Application of 34 set of abacus formulae
(b) Multiplication 2~4 timetables e.g.: 12 X 5, 23 X 4
(c) Listening calculation
(d) Abacus

Abacus Level 2
(a) Application of 34 set of abacus formulae
(b) Multiplication 2~6 timetables e.g.: 26X6, 73 X 5
(c) Listening calculation
(d) Abacus e.g.: 62+8-5-7

Abacus Level 3
(a) Introduction of paper abacus
(b) Multiplication 2~9 timetables e.g.: 79X8, 63X4
(c) Abacus e.g.: 45+18-27
(d) Introduction of divisions

The digit for calculation will increase as it goes on to a higher stage. Each module consists of 10 lessons, to be completed over a 1 term. Lessons are conducted once a week, with each lasting about 1 hour and 20mins.