Hanlin Centre was established in 1999, and is registered with the Ministry of Education managed by a team of professionals. Our teachers are highly qualified teachers from Beijing for Chinese Programmes and NIE trained for English and Mathematics. These teachers also have many years of teaching experience.
Our core competency is in providing enrichment programmes to help learners master the language. Students who are going through our enrichment programmes can testify that their grades in mother tongue had improved substantially since joining our classes.
In Hanlin Centre, we are:
✓ Specialize in Higher/Normal Chinese Language
✓ Part of largest tuition chain in Singapore, “ProLearn Tuition Centres”
✓ Also offer quality tuition for English, Mathematics and Science
✓ One-stop tuition services for All Levels (Pre-school, Primary & Secondary) and All Streams (Foundation, Standard, N(A), N(T), Express & IP)
✓ All subject combinations (Pure / Combined Sciences, E & A Math and POA, etc)
✓ Flexible Schedule
✓ No more large classroom based teaching
✓ Focussed small groups of 5
✓ Just like one-to-one tuition
✓ All in-house materials provided (no extra charge)
✓ Professional, experienced & qualified teachers / full-time tutors
✓ Use of Computer & iPad programs to help in learning
✓ Individualized lesson plans to aid learning at own pace
✓ A wide variety of enrichment programs like Abacus and Chinese Calligraphy offered too
✓ Free diagnostic assessment for All!
To nurture and inspire our students towards their personal academic goals by providing an environment that is conducive for learning, a creative space for original expression and instilling a constant desire to excel.
Hanlin Language School was established in 1999, and registered with the Ministry of Education as a language school managed by a team of professionals.
Our teachers are registered with the Ministry of Education. We employ highly qualified teachers from Beijing for Chinese Programmes. All these teachers also have many years of teaching experience.
We are language specialists and our core competency is in providing enrichment programmes to help learners master the languages. Students who are going through our enrichment programmes can testify that their grades have improved substantially since joining our classes.
我们致力提供一个引发求知欲的全方位学习环境, 我们更希望全面培育学生的造力与表达能力, 帮助他们稳步成长, 迈向成功的将来.
翰林语言学校建立于1999年,它是 注册于教育部并且由经验丰富的老师执教的专业语言学校.
• 中、小学华文,英文加强班
• 创意作文、翰林写作,综合阅读班
• 小四,小六会考特别强化班
• 珠心算
• Mathematics
• 书法/绘画班
• 小天才班(豆豆班)
• 学前预备班
• 成人华语
• 成人英语