9 Common Mistakes Students Always Make During Problem Sums Solving

mistakes students always make

When it comes to Paper 2 of your PSLE Math Examinations, many students tend to commit all sorts of careless or seemingly trivial mistakes. Here we list down a few of the more common ones to look out for so that hopefully, you will be more aware of them and prevent them from happening. Here’s to lesser marks lost due to carelessness! Here we go!

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common mistakes students make

Do you have any common careless mistakes you are guilty of committing? Share them in the comments section below and tell us how you overcome them.

Nothing inspires a Kip McGrath teacher more than a smile from a child who finally “gets it”! To watch a child suddenly start to enjoy learning and develop a confidence in their abilities naturally translates into better results at school.

So if you are looking for an experience that will improve your child’s confidence, encourage them to enjoy learning and help them improve their exam results, contact your nearest Kip McGrath Education Centre today.